HydroHub test facility at the MegaWatt Test Center of the Hanzehogeschool University of Applied Sciences
The HydroHub test facility is the top facility of Dutch research and development when it comes to testing of stacks for electrolysers. The MegaWatt Test Center is a stepping stone towards the future gigawatt scale production of sustainable hydrogen by the process industry. With consortium partners including @HyCC, Shell, Nobian, Yara, TNO and Groningen Seaports, many of the leading organizations in the Dutch hydrogen knowledge and value chain are involved in this facility.
The MegaWatt Test Center is developed as a validation platform to perform tests with electrolysis at MegaWatt scale. VONK has delivered two power supplies, for both an alkaline and a PEM-electrolysis unit. The power supplies were tailored to provide the flexibility required for the development goals. In order to achieve this, the fundamental and application knowledge of VONK on power conversion was used to provide an optimal solution.